Card | Paper Doll Series: His Glory in Your Midst (5×7 Printed Trifold Card)



5×7 Plain Brown Wrapper Card – Poem & Art Story w/Envelope (2019) Original Artwork and Design by Michelle Bentham. This card features the Paper Doll Series: “His Glory in Your Midst,” painted in 2022. The original was donated sold on commission – Original 11×14 Mixed Media on Canvas.

Michelle Bentham created The Glory in Your Midst based on a commission request. A gift from one sister to another. For this piece, Michelle was thinking of the scripture that says that God will be a wall of fire around the city of Jerusalem, and uses feminine language to say He will be the Glory In Her Midst. As she drew the picture and painted in the golden and jewel toned background she realized it had the appearance of the priestly ephod described in the temple pattern given to Moses in the Sinai Desert. This painting represents both the tender and sacred space of living our lives in both the protection and the priesthood of God. When we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness His glory will encircle our lives and demonstrate His goodness to those around us.

You’ve built your walls so carefully

No stone left unturned

Still your heart breaks effortlessly

The bitter pain of being burned

The Lord wraps Himself around you

A wall of fire burning in love

You are His beloved daughter

He protects you from above

He really has your back

His joy your strength

You really have no lack

As you find rest in His presence

And His glory in your midst. 

“For the Eternal One (Lord God) says, ‘Instead of a wall of stone, I will be a wall of fire protecting her all around, and I will be the shining glory within her.’” ~ Zechariah 2:5 VOICE

© 2011-2024, Michelle Bentham. All Rights Reserved.

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Item 28


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