God calls her His Wildflower!
As a skilled visual artist, Michelle paints pictures on canvas and with her words. From this unique perspective, she allows her audience and readers to come alongside in life’s experiences. She helps others broaden their perspective of God and challenges them to go deeper in their relationship with Him. Her visual art, painting experiences, writing, and speaking build courage in others to step out by faith in bold new directions as He leads.

She lives passionately helping others connect to God’s heart through creative expression, empowering Christian women through Bible study, personal coaching, and coming alongside them as they fulfill their calling from God. In 2023, she founded Michelle Bentham Creates LLC as an umbrella covering all her creative and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Michelle received faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 12 and only recently realized she was saved when she shared that realization with her parents on the way home from church (see Romans 8:9-14). Since that day, she has never once doubted she was saved – often only as one escaping flames – but she knew faith had saved her in Jesus Christ. She has always been design-oriented and crafty, even taking a year of Fine Art in high school. She realized early on that she did not fully grasp the concepts of dimension, light, and shading – so she quit.
In 2006, she purchased paints and canvases at an art store, hoping to decorate a classroom at church she would use for a grief recovery group. Her family suffered the loss of her oldest son the year before, and she wanted to create a comforting and peaceful space for the hurting to gather and connect with God in their grief. Those canvases were “first work” quality, and they opened the door for a new season where Michelle would discover what it means to be God’s Wildflower and a spiritual decorator.
Her most profound joy is found when leading individuals or groups to discover their identity and purpose in life through Christ and as she sees them move their faith to action. She often says her favorite moment is when her clients do not need her anymore!

In 1997, Michelle met her kinsman redeemer, Scott. She lovingly calls him #TheFisherman because he is known for catching more than his fair share of fish in and around Lake Granbury in the last decade! Together, they blended a family of five children: two oldest boys, a middle girl, and two youngest girls. They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in 2023 and currently make their home living between their parents’ homes in North Texas, helping out as needed.
They have since added three sons-in-love and three sweet grandbabies. They have grown to understand in these later years of life how truly special and beautiful time with family is – embracing God’s promise that grandchildren are a crown of glory in our lives.
In 2013, Scott and Michelle made their home in Granbury, Texas, where they enjoy solid friendships and community with fellow believers across the spectrum of church and faith. She works as a coach, mentor, artist, and Bible study leader in Granbury and travels speaking and teaching as the Lord leads.

Each year, Michelle petitions God for a word to define the coming year. In 2020, the word was “A Finish Line Season – Vision, Velocity, & Victory.” In 2021, the word was “Infinite Possibilities Tied to God’s Unlimited Power.” In 2021, God also had her paint the Shield of Faith, representing Michelle’s personal calling and relationship with God, and the Coat of Arms for her family, representing the legacy and calling she and Scott are called by God to live and leave as an inheritance on earth.

2024 Word of the Year: A Turnaround Season

2021 – Michelle & Scott Bentham’s Coat of Arms representing calling, gifts, and talents they carry for God’s purposes.